Jul 2018
+5.7607 BTC
Bought @ $ 5,207.70It will come back. Taking advantage of the low dip.

In 2017 Bitcoin Went From $5.5k to $19k in 33 Days, Not Impossible in 2019
The market can extend its selling action, for the correction appears weak. In short, Bitcoin is bleeding and in need of blood bags.
+5.3567 BTC
Bought @ $ 5,600.50If there was ever a time to buy...

Bitcoin plunges below $6,000, hits new lows for the year | The Star
Bitcoin dropped more than 10% on Wednesday. Other rivals also fell sharply in value, with market participants suggesting that a looming split in a separate digital currency called Bitcoin Cash triggered the broad decline.
+2.6272 DSH
Bought @ $ 190.32It's dropped since I first bought it, might as well grab some more and see if it bounces back.
+2.7028 DSH
Bought @ $ 184.99Honestly, this purchase is just because I am familiar with Dash and I feel like I should start to diversify my portfolio.
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