©2024 Crypto Parrot
Jan 2021
Total Trades 16
Total Profit/Loss -21.2%
Avg. Profit -1.41%
Followers 2
Following 6
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Week Analysis
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Double or nothing! Buy 5k (L5x) at $334.9, sell half at $669.8
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Double or nothing! Buy 2.3k (L5x) at $1.16, sell half at $2.32
Double or nothing! Buy 10k (L5x) at $6.27, sell half at $12.54
Double or nothing! Buy 10k (L5x) at $243.08, sell half at $2.4768
Double or nothing! Buy 30k (L5x) at $243.08, sell half at $486.16
Double or nothing! Buy 900 (L5x) at $0.0190, sell half at $0.038
Double or nothing! Buy 50k (L5x) at $487.2196, sell half at $974.4392
Double or nothing! Buy 10k (5xL) at $5.3, sell half at $10.6
Double or nothing! Buy 10k (5xL) at $37.2, sell half at $74.4
Double or nothing! Buy 10k (L5x) at $1,917, sell half at $3,834
Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk
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